@conference_talk{talk_CCC_2023, title = {Verifying iRRAM-like implementation of exact real computation}, conference = {Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms }, conference_short = {CCC 2023}, conference_link = {https://www.i.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ccc2023/}, date_start = {2023-09-25}, date_end = {2023-09-29}, place_city = {Kyoto}, place_country = {Japan}, authors = {Sewon Park,Holger Thies}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2023-09-26}, invited = {false}, online = {false} } @conference_talk{talk_MFCS_2023, title = {Formalizing Hyperspaces for Extracting Efficient Exact Real Computation}, conference = {48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, conference_short = {MFCS 2023}, conference_link = {https://mfcs2023.labri.fr}, date_start = {2023-08-28}, date_end = {2023-09-01}, place_city = {Bordeaux}, place_country = {France}, authors = {Sewon Park,Michal Konečný,Holger Thies}, speaker = {Holger Thies}, date = {2023-08-29}, invited = {false}, online = {false} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Verified Exact Real Computation with Nondeterministic Functions and Limits}, conference = {24th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory}, conference_short = {FCT 2023}, conference_link = {https://www.uni-trier.de/en/universitaet/fachbereiche-faecher/fachbereich-iv/faecher/informatikwissenschaften/professuren/theoretische-informatik/research/conferences-and-workshops/fct-2023}, date_start = {2023-09-18}, date_end = {2023-09-21}, place_city = {Trier}, place_country = {Germany}, authors = {Sewon Park}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2023-09-18}, invited = {false}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Towards verified implementation of iterative and interactive real-RAM}, conference = {Twentieth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis}, conference_short = {CCA 2023}, conference_link = {http://cca-net.de/cca2023/}, date_start = {2023-09-07}, date_end = {2023-09-09}, place_city = {Dubrovnik}, place_country = {Croatia}, authors = {Sewon Park, Holger Thies}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2023-09-08}, invited = {false}, online = {false} } @conference_talk{na, title = {A type-theoretical interpretation of intuitionistic fixed point logic}, conference = {2022 Global KMS International Conference}, conference_short = {KMS 2022}, conference_link = {https://www.kms.or.kr/conference/2022_fall}, date_start = {2022-10-18}, date_end = {2022-10-21}, place_city = {Seoul}, place_country = {Korea}, authors = {Sewon Park, Ulrich Berger, Holger Thies, Hideki Tsuiki}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2022-10-19}, invited = {false}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Some steps toward program extraction in a type-theoretical interpretation of IFP}, conference = {Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms}, conference_short = {CCC 2022}, conference_link = {https://events.math.unipd.it/ccc2022/#venue}, date_start = {2022-09-19}, date_end = {2022-09-23}, place_city = {Padova}, place_country = {Italy}, authors = {Sewon Park, Ulrich Berger, Holger Thies, Hideki Tsuiki}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2022-09-20}, invited = {false}, online = {false} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Nondeterministic limits and certified exact real computation}, conference = {Nineteenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis}, conference_short = {CCA 2022}, conference_link = {http://cca-net.de/cca2022/}, date_start = {2022-05-23}, date_end = {2022-05-26}, place_city = {Glenside (PA)}, place_country = {USA}, authors = {Sewon Park, Michal Konečný, Holger Thies}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2022-05-23}, invited = {false}, online = {true}, slides = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wrO6_xqBUzuDlHk5hQE-yT9eHNM8QTUr/view?usp=sharing} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Verified computation over real numbers and other continuous objects}, conference = {The second Japan-Russia workshop on effective descriptive set theory, computable analysis and automata}, special_note = {Tutorial talk}, conference_link = {https://sites.google.com/view/jp-ru-logic2022/}, date_start = {2022-03-02}, date_end = {2022-03-04}, place_city = {Akita}, place_country = {Japan}, invited = {true}, authors = {Sewon Park}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2022-03-02, 2022-03-03}, online = {false}, slides = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_IY79kO9_yw5WTFk0Y95Ixxn8P86Nv07/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_IY79kO9_yw5WTFk0Y95Ixxn8P86Nv07/view?usp=sharing} } @conference_talk{na, title = {An axiomatization of real numbers in constructive type theory and its application}, conference = {2022 China-South Korea Non-Classical Logics and Related Algebra Systems Academic Seminar}, date_start = {2022-02-12}, date_end = {2022-02-13}, authors = {Sewon Park, Michal Konečný, Holger Thies}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, place_city = {online}, place_country = {online}, date = {2022-02-12}, online = {true}, slides = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XI5Q2W6vMjxe1yuacg6fB4wyPe-dwyw3/view?usp=sharing} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Lazy Data Types}, conference = {The 14th Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation}, conference_short = {AAAC 2021}, conference_link = {http://aaac2021.ie.nthu.edu.tw/}, date_start = {2021-10-22}, date_end = {2021-10-24}, place_city = {Tainan}, invited = {false}, place_country = {Taiwan}, authors = {Sewon Park, Jihoon Hyun, Martin Ziegler}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2021-10-24}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Nondeterminism in constructive metric completeness}, conference = {2021 KMS Annual Meeting Special Session: Mathematical Logic and Its Applications}, conference_short = {KMS Fall 2021}, conference_link = {https://www.kms.or.kr/meetings/fall2021/}, date_start = {2021-10-20}, date_end = {2021-10-22}, place_city = {Virtual}, place_country = {Virtual}, invited = {false}, authors = {Sewon Park, Michal Konečný, Holger Thies}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2021-10-21}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Toward verified real computation}, invited = {true}, conference = {Continuity, Computability, Constructivity From Logic to Algorithms}, special_note = {Invited talk}, conference_short = {CCC 2021}, conference_link = {https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~axj/ccc2021/index.html#programme}, date_start = {2021-09-20}, date_end = {2021-09-24}, place_city = {Virtual}, place_country = {Virtual}, authors = {Sewon Park}, invited = {true}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2021-09-23}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Intuitionistic Logic, Type Theory, and Computer Science}, conference = {the first Korea Logic Day 2021}, conference_short = {KLD 2021}, conference_link = {https://korealogicday.org/2021}, date_start = {2021-01-14}, date_end = {2021-01-14}, place_city = {Virtual}, place_country = {Virtual}, authors = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2021-01-14}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Topological Aspects on Nondetermistic Computation}, conference = {Korea Software Congress 2020}, conference_short = {KSC 2020}, conference_link = {http://ksc2020.kiise.or.kr/wp/Home.asp/}, date_start = {2020-12-21}, date_end = {2020-12-23}, place_city = {Virtual}, invited = {false}, place_country = {Virtual}, authors = {Sewon Park, Donghyun Lim}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2020-12-23}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Clerical: an Imperative Language for Verified Real-number Computation}, conference = {Seventeenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis}, conference_short = {CCA 2020}, conference_link = {http://cca-net.de/cca2020/}, date_start = {2020-09-09}, date_end = {2020-09-11}, place_city = {Virtual}, place_country = {Virtual}, invited = {false}, authors = {Sewon Park, Andrej Bauer, Alex Simpson}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2020-09-09}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Multivalued functions in a dependent type theory}, conference = {KMS Spring 2020 - Special Session: Mathematical Logic and Its Applications}, conference_short = {KMS Spring 2020}, conference_link = {http://www.kms.or.kr/meetings/spring2020/}, date_start = {2020-07-03}, date_end = {2020-07-03}, invited = {false}, place_city = {Virtual}, place_country = {Virtual}, authors = {Sewon Park, Andrej Bauer, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Egbert Rijke}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2020-07-03}, online = {true} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Axiomatic Reals in Type Theory for Program Extraction}, conference = {Computability, Continuity, Constructivity - from Logic to Algorithms }, conference_short = {CCC 2019}, conference_link = {https://www.fmf.uni-lj.si/~simpson/ccc2019/}, place_city = {Ljubljana}, place_country = {Slovenia}, invited = {false}, authors = {Sewon Park}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2019-09} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Interval Gaussian Algorithm for Singular Interval Matrices}, conference = {Fall Workshop on Algorithms and Computation}, conference_short = {FWAC 2018}, conference_link = {http://tcs.postech.ac.kr/workshops/fwac18/}, place_city = {Seoul}, place_country = {Korea}, authors = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2018-11} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Interval Gaussian Algorithm for Singular Interval Matrices}, conference = {The 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations}, conference_short = {SCAN 2018}, conference_link = {http://scan2018.oishi.info.waseda.ac.jp/}, place_city = {Tokyo}, place_country = {Japan}, authors = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2018-09} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Reliable Diagonalization of Degenerate Matrices}, conference = {Computability and Complexity in Analysis 2017}, conference_short = {CCA 2017}, conference_link = {http://cca-net.de/cca2017/}, place_city = {Daejeon}, invited = {false}, place_country = {Korea}, authors = {Sewon Park, Martin Ziegler}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2017-07} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Implementation and Empirical Evaluation of two Algorithms for Computing Characteristic Polynomials' Coefficients in Exact Real Arithmetic}, conference = {Fall Workshop on Algorithms and Computation}, conference_short = {FWAC 2016}, conference_link = {http://tcs.postech.ac.kr/workshops/fwac16/}, place_city = {Seoul}, place_country = {Korea}, authors = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2016-11} } @conference_talk{na, title = {Verification in Real Computation}, conference = {The 19th Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation}, conference_short = {WAAC 2016}, conference_link = {http://dopal.cs.uec.ac.jp/waac16/}, place_city = {Hakodate}, place_country = {Japan}, authors = {Sewon Park, Norbert Th. Müller, Norbert Preining, Martin Ziegler}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, invited = {false}, date = {2016-08} } @conference_talk{na, title = {On Formal Verification in Imperative Multivalued Programming over Continuous Data Types}, conference = {Computability and Complexity in Analysis 2016}, conference_short = {CCA 2016}, conference_link = {http://cca-net.de/cca2016/}, place_city = {Faro}, place_country = {Portugal}, invited = {false}, authors = {Sewon Park, Norbert Th. Müller, Norbert Preining, Martin Ziegler}, speaker = {Sewon Park}, date = {2016-06} }